Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

my collection


Love is a dream
Its gone as we wake up
Leaving some moments
To be cherished
Love is like a wind
It embraces us with passion
leaving the scent of fresh flowers
tingling our mind
Love is like a water bubble
Beautiful to see from far
Even rainbows are visible
But a tender touch will break it
Leaving a refreshing sprinkle
Love resembles a shadow
We try to escape but it follow
At times it makes us hollow
It disappears with the sun
And leave us in the Nights
To Haunt all over again
* * * *
Your Lips Are So Soft
Your Lips Are So Soft
Your Touch Is So Cool
I Am Lost In Your Arms
My Heart Beat Within You
I’m Thinking Of You Every Morning
And Dreaming Of You Every Night
I Love To See You Around
And I’m So Delight In What I Found
Never Have I Fallen In Love That Quick
But I Am Strong And I’m Not Weak,
My Heart Is In Your Hands
Let’s Us Have A Chance.
I Wish We Can Fly In The Sky,
Where The Wind Will Blow Us Away.
I Hold Your Heart In My Hands,
But The Stars Stolen It Away.
I Hold Your Love In My Heart,
And Forever It Will Stay.
I Want Touch The Ocean
I Want It So Deep
My Love Is So Strong
And I Want To Keep.
My Feelings Are Full Like A River
And Will Never End
My Love Is Destiny,
Your Kindness Is Meant
My Love Is Like A Rose
That Will Last Forever
My Love Is The Age Of Reason
And Will Get Better Every Season.
Our Love Is Something Special
We Will Always Fight For It
Through The Years
Sharing Laughter And Tears
And As A Lovers Will Be It..
* * * *
Eyes I See the Sadness
In Your Eyes I See The Sadness
Wishing To Wipe Away Your Tears
Heartache Etched Within Your Soul
Leaving You With All Of Your Fears
My Gaze Burning Desperately
Trying To See Within
I Struggle To Embrace Your Broken Heart
Release The Compassion That Struggles To Be Free Again
Reaching Out To Hold You
Close To My Heart You Do Lay
I Will Always Be Here To Catch You
Never Allowing You To Wither Away
I See Within Your Crying Eyes
So Desperate To Belong
Envious Of The Future
As The Past Hinders You From Which You Long
* * * *
The Reason We Cried
Someday, We’ll Forget
The Hurt ,
The Reason We Cried
Who Caused Us Pain
We’ll Finally Realize That
The Secret Of Being Free
Is Not Revenge
Letting Things Unfold In
Their Own Way n Own Time
After All What Matters Is Not
The First
The Last Chapter Of Our Life
Which Shows How Well We
Ran The Race
Again . .
* * * *
How Can I Ever Arrange My Words
How Can I Ever Arrange
My Words To Say
How Special You Are
To Me . . . ?
You Are The Theme Of
…My Life
You Are The Beloved
You Are My Love
You Are In My Memories
You Are In My Happiness
You Are In My All
Every Single Beat Of My
Heart Is Just For You
Every Breath I Inhales,
Its Just For You Honey
I Live For You, And I Will Die
For You
I Laugh And Cry For You
All This Is Because
I Want To Do Something Special
For You
You Are So Special To Me . . . :)
* * * *
Sweet Things
Sweet things are easy to buy,
But sweet people are difficult to find,
Life ends when you stop dreaming,
Hope ends when you stop believing,
Love ends when you stop caring,
Friendship ends when you stop sharing,
So share this with whom
ever you consider a friend.
To love without condition,
To talk without intention,
To give without reason,
To care without
“Expectation” is the heart of a ” True Friend”.
Stay Blessed.


A pal is one
With whom you can have fun
Who'll listen to you and talk
With whom you can share a joke
One you can drink with
And who with you will dine
One with whom all will look rosy
All pretty and all fine...

But when comes adversity
You'll seldom find him by your side
And even if stay does he,
Not long will he abide.

A true friend is one
With whom you can talk
'bout all under the sun
With whom you can laugh and joke
Drink, dine and have fun
And who to you will lend a ear
With him all will be Okey doke'.

Then, when hardship knocks...
You'll find him by your side
You he'll never leave
But try best to you guide
When you sigh, he'll too heave
When you fail to succeed
He'll try to bring to fruition
Your deed
When you fall sick
He'll bring relief
When the whole world mocks,
He'll stand by your belief
If all else the other way looks
He'll share your grief
Even if harm befalls ye
He'll stand in its way
And will not hesitate even a bit
To endanger his life, to lay down it.
And prove that a friend in need
Is a friend indeed!

Such a friend is hard to come by
Who'll laugh with you, with you who'll cry
So if ever one you get,
Try to be worthy of your mate
And see that never breaks the bond
That you with him ties fond.


first--sarcasm fills the air
striking remarks then follows.
small grins, dubious eyebrows,
oh--let the arguments begin!
time passes by...
only acquiring the habit we have begun.
though the longer the mockery is,
the harder it is revealing each other's identity.
...ironically--my only goal is to uncover the real "you."
unfortunately, there's just too many sarcasm,
and barely little of the real us...
I asked if we could change it,
you said "yes--we can."
deciding that nature will take its place
we set aside our worries and proceed with life.
while in our minds,
there's still a boundary keeping us apart.
will our friendship ever be at ease?
...in my mind
I hope
I pray.


A friend is like a shade tree
Beside a summer way.
A friend is like the sunshine
That makes a perfect day.
A friend is like a flower
That's worn close to the heart.
A friend is like a treasure
With which one will not part.


A Friend is a Treasure
A friend is someone we turn to,
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure,
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives,
with beauty, joy and grace.
And make the world we live in,
a better and happier place.


"Friendship happens in that special moment
when someone reaches out to another,
trusts, comforts, believes in another,
and makes a special difference
that no one else can make".


Friendships come and Friendships go Like wave upon the sand
Like day and night
Like birds in flight
Like snowflakes when they land
But you and I are something else
Our friendship's here to stay
Like weeds and rocks and dirty socks
It never goes away!


A best friend
is always there,
whether you need advice,
or a pep talk,
or even a shoulder to cry on.
A best friend
listens with her heart
and is always honest with you,
even though the truth
may not be
what you want to hear.
A best friend
knows all your secrets,
understands your fears
shares your dreams.
A best friend
never stops believing in you
even if you give up
on yourself.
you are
that kind of friend
to me.
And no matter what happens,
you always will be.
You are my best friend....
my forever friend.


A friend is a person
to laugh and cry with,
An inspiration,
Someone who lends a helping hand,
though friends may not be forever,
And they may not end up together,
the memories of a true friendship will
last forever.
A friend is not a shadow nor a servant
But someone who hold
a piece of a person in his heart.
Someone who shares a smile,
Someone who brightens up your day
What makes a person a friend?
Is by saying your Love will stay.
M - O - T - H - E - R

"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell
A word that means the world to me.

by Howard Johnson (c. 1915)

Before I was a Mom

Before I was a Mom -
I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed. I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.
Before I was a Mom -
I cleaned my house each day. I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom -
I had never been puked on - Pooped on - Spit on - Chewed on, or Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and My thoughts. I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom -
I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests...or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom -
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life
so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom -
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child. I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important.
Before I was a Mom -
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. I had never known The warmth, The joy, The love, The heartache, The wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.

Only One Mother

Hundreds of stars in the pretty sky,
Hundreds of shells on the shore together,
Hundreds of birds that go singing by,
Hundreds of lambs in the sunny weather.
Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the world wide over.

Wonderful Mother

God made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old;
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He moulded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me.
Pat O'Reilly

And Grandma's too...

While we honor all our mothers
with words of love and praise.
While we tell about their goodness
and their kind and loving ways.
We should also think of Grandma,
she's a mother too, you see....
For she mothered my dear mother
as my mother mothers me.
Author Unknown

Mother's Love

Her love is like
an island in life's ocean,
vast and wide
A peaceful, quiet shelter
From the wind, the rain, the tide.
'Tis bound on the north by Hope,
By Patience on the West,
By tender Counsel on the South
And on the East by Rest.
Above it like a beacon light
Shine Faith, and Truth, and Prayer;
And thro' the changing scenes of life
I find a haven there.
Author Unknown

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

berbagai rumus bhsa inggris

Present Tense

Positif: S + Tobe + Ving
Negatif: S + Tobe+ Not+ Ving
Tanya:   Tobe + S + Ving

contoh soal:
- I am writing now (Saya sedang menulis sekarang)
- You are reading my article at present (Apa artinya?)

Kalimat Negatif Untuk Present Continuous Tense

Mudah saja kalimat Negatifnya, tinggal tambahkan NOT setelah Tobe. Ingat rumusnya kan? Yes, Anda benar, rumusnya: S + Tobe + Not + Ving.
Kalimat yang diatas tadi akan saya jadikan kalimat negatif ya:
- I am NOT writing now (Saya sedang tidak menulis sekarang) - You are NOT reading my article at present (Apa artinya?) - She is NOT waiting for you. Gila, Gampang bangets!
Loh katanya tadi Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang SEDANG terjadi saat ini? Kalo negatif kan artinya yang TIDAK SEDANG terjadi saat ini dong? Salah dong? Ya ndak lah.. Maksud saya, kalimat negatif ini ya bentuk TIDAKnya. Gitu aja kok repot!, haha..
Mari kita lanjutkan!

Kalimat Tanya Present Continuous Tense

Gampang pulak nih, tinggal Tobenya taruh depan, jadi deh. Ingat rumusnya kan? Harus ingat nih rumus, karena tidak bisa pake kalkulator untuk urusan rumus tenses ini. Kalau Anda sering praktekkan, sering pake maka rumus ini meresep sendiri di dalam otak Anda, hilang menjadi ketrampilan otomatis. Sebelum itu terjadi maka silahkan install rumus ini dengan cara memahaminya dan menggunakannya sesering mungkin. Pasti deh Anda bisa.
Ini nih contoh Kalimat Tanya dalam Present Continuous Tense, saya pake contoh kalimat yang diatas tadi tetapi untuk bertanya:
- Are you writing now? (Apakah kamu sedang menulis sekarang?) - Are You reading my article at present? (Apa artinya?) - Is She waiting for you. Nah itu dia, tinggal tambakan tobe sesuai pasangannya. Dan selalu ingat untuk Present Continuous Tense selalu pakai kata kerja bentuk ING, maksud saya kata kerja tambah ING. Kata kerja itu bahasa Inggrisnya Verb. Saya singkat V, karena tambah Ing saya singkat lagi “Ving”. Inga inga! hehe..
So pasti bisa juga mengguanakan Kata Ganti Penanya seperti What, Where, Which, Why, Who dan sebagainya dalam kalimat tanya ini. Contohnya begini:
-What are you writing now? (Lagi nulis apaan kamu sekarang?)
-What are you reading (lagi baca apa Anda?)
-Who is She waiting for (Doi lagi nungguin siape?)
- She is waiting for you.

Present Tense

Positif: S + V1 (s/es)
Negatif: S + DO/DOES + NOT + V1
Tanya: DO/DOES + S + V1
Contoh Kalimat Positif:
I drink coffee
She drinks coffe
We drink coffee

Kalimat Negatif Present Tense

Bentuk Negatif, artinya menyatakan TIDAK. Maka sesuai rumus Present Tense, setelah SUBJECT ditambah DO atau DOES, baru NOT, lalu tambah kata kerja bentuk pertama tanpa S atau ES lagi. S atau ES nya dimana? Sudah di doES tadi.
Untuk I, WE, YOU, THEY tambah DO
Untuk SHE, HE, IT, Mufli, Ellen tambah DOES
I do not drink coffee.
She does not drink coffee.
John Scoping does not learn english.
Coba perhatikan She does not drink coffee. Drink nya tidak pake S lagi, pindah ke doES. Biasakan saja, Present Simple Tense ini sepertinya rumit tetapi kalau faham maka enak banget. Ulangi saja baca dari atas 10 kali lagi, biar meresap benar, hehe.. Bikin juga 10 contoh Anda sendiri dengan kata kerja yang berbeda. Yes, belajar bahasa Inggris tak boleh manja, harus aktif, baru akan bisa.

Kalimat Tanya Present Tense

Kalimat tanya untuk Present Tense sesuai rumus diatas, atau saya tulis lagi seperti ini:
Tanya: DO/DOES + S + V1
Sama saja pasangannya. Untuk I, WE, YOU, THEY gunakan DO. Untuk SHE, HE, IT, Mufli, Ellen gunakan DOES. Contohnya begini:
Kalimat positifnya: I drink coffee
Kalimat tanya menjadi: DO you drink cofee?
Kalimat positif: She drinks coffe
Kalimat tanya: DOES She drink coffee?
Kalimat tanya seperti diatas disebut juga YES/NO Question. Karena jawabannya memang Yes atau No. Do You drink coffee? “Yes I do” jawabnya. Atau bisa bisa dijawab dengan lengkap: “Yes, I do drink coffee”. Dihilangkan DO nya juga boleh, menjadi kalimat positif lagi: “Yes I drink coffee”.
Ya, memang benar kalau Present Tense ini lebih rumit dibandingkan dengan Present Continuous Tense karena tiba-tiba kok pake DO, eh untuk orang ketiga tunggal pakai DOES segala, hehe.. Kalau dalam Present Continuous Tense nanti tinggal dibalik doang.
Ngapain sih belajar ginian? Ya agar bahasa inggris Anda lebih terstruktur dan punya landasan kuat untuk belajar lebih lanjut nanti. Misalnya Anda perlu menulis untuk blog Anda dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menjalankan bisnis periklanan periklanan Adsense, malu dong kalau tensesnya kacau kan? Belum tau apa itu Google Adsense? Wah wah.. hehe.. Nanti buka di sini ya: Pengantar Belajar Google Adsense.
Ok deh, itu tadi sedikit selingan. By the way bus way langganan Artikel saya dong seputar Internet Marketing dan Bisnis Online ya. Caranya ada di milinglist Yahoo: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/artikelblog. Loh kok bisnis lagi? haha.. enak tau bisnis internet itu, menulis-menulis doang dapat duit, seperti saya bikin blog Tenses Bahasa Inggris ini, dapat teman banyak. Banyak teman kan banyak rejeki, ya toh? ya kan?. Ok ok, kita lanjutkan pelajaran.
Nah, kalau tadi kan Kalimat Tanya Present Tense yang jawabannya Yes atau No doang. Gimana kalau pertanyaan yang jawabannya panjang atau yang jawabannya kalimat? Yah, tinggal tambahkan saja When, Where, Why, Who, What, dsb di depannya. Contohnya begini:
-When Do you drink coffee?
Contoh jawaban: I drink coffee everyday.
-What does she drink?
She drinks coffee la yau!

Present Perfect Tense

Rumusnya Present Perfect Tense begini:
Positif: S + have/has + V3
Negatif: S + have/sas Not + V3
Tanya:   Have/has + S + V3

Contoh Present Perfect Tense
Positif: She has gone (Dia baru saja pergi)
Negatif: She has not gone
Tanya: Has She gone?

Ingat, bukan She has go, bukan pula She has going, tidak pula She has goes. “Go” itu adalah kata kerja yang bentuk ketiganya adalah “gone”. Urutan perubahan bentuk kata kerja untuk Go adalah: Go-went-gone.
Contoh lainnya:
-I have written english lesson for 30 minutes
-You have read my lesson since 2 PM
Perhatikan perubahan kata kerja:
Write – wrote – written (berubah)
Read – read – read (lah kok sama? haha..)
Saya ulangi
-I have written english lesson for 30 minutes.
Saya telah menulis pelajaran bahasa inggris selama 30 menit.
Dalam kalimat diatas, ditekankan “telah” nya itu dan sekarang sudah beres, sudah tidak lagi menulis. Tetapi jika penekanan Anda pada “30 menit yang lalunya” maka Anda gunakan Past Tense yang lebih cocok.
Contoh lainnya lagi, kalimat positif:
-I have cleaned the floor
-He has drunk milk
-You have just broken the glass
Gimana kalimat negatifnya? He has not drunk milk! Anda coba yang dua lagi ya.
Kalimat Tanya dalam Present Perfect Tense ya tinggal dibalik mawon sesuai rumus diatas tadi. Ingat jangan lupa pasangannya untuk “Have” dan “Has”.
-Has She drunk milk?

Ingat, bukan She has go, bukan pula She has going, tidak pula She has goes. “Go” itu adalah kata kerja yang bentuk ketiganya adalah “gone”. Urutan perubahan bentuk kata kerja untuk Go adalah: Go-went-gone.
Contoh lainnya:
-I have written english lesson for 30 minutes
-You have read my lesson since 2 PM
Perhatikan perubahan kata kerja:
Write – wrote – written (berubah)
Read – read – read (lah kok sama? haha..)
Saya ulangi
-I have written english lesson for 30 minutes.
Saya telah menulis pelajaran bahasa inggris selama 30 menit.
Dalam kalimat diatas, ditekankan “telah” nya itu dan sekarang sudah beres, sudah tidak lagi menulis. Tetapi jika penekanan Anda pada “30 menit yang lalunya” maka Anda gunakan Past Tense yang lebih cocok.
Contoh lainnya lagi, kalimat positif:
-I have cleaned the floor
-He has drunk milk
-You have just broken the glass
Gimana kalimat negatifnya? He has not drunk milk! Anda coba yang dua lagi ya.
Kalimat Tanya dalam Present Perfect Tense ya tinggal dibalik mawon sesuai rumus diatas tadi. Ingat jangan lupa pasangannya untuk “Have” dan “Has”.
-Has She drunk milk?

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Rumus Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Positif: S + have/has + been + Ving
Negatif: S + have/has + not + been + Ving
Tanya: Have/has + S + been + Ving

Berikut contoh-contoh Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
-She has been learning english for 3 years
-I have been teaching english since last year
-They have been touring since yesterday

Past Tense

Rumus Past Tense:
Positif: S + V2
Negatif: S + did not + V1
Tanya: Did + S + V1

 contoh kalimat:

-I saw her standing there (Saya lihat dia berdiri disana).
-My Father bought this car last year
-They went to Tokyo last month
-She went home two minutes ago

Past Continuous Tense

Rumus Past Continuous Tense
Positif: S + was/were + Ving
Negatif: S + was/were + NOT + Ving
Tanya: Was/Were + S + Ving

I was sleeping when my friend came to my house yesterday
Lihat tuh, “I was sleeping” adalah bagian Past Continuous Tensenya. Sedang tidurnya itu kemarin, saat teman saya datang ke rumah.
Jadi, Past Continuous Tense ini mirip banget rumusnya dengan Present Continuous Tense, bedanya di TOBE nya yang menjadi bentuk kedua.
Ingat-ingat perubahan dan pasangan TO BE nya ya.
Tobe: is, am berubah menjadi WAS
Tobe: are berubah menajdi WERE
I, She, He, It, John, Merry pasangannya adalah WAS
We, They, John and Merry pasangannya adalah WERE.
Contoh kalimat lainnya:
-They were learning in the classroom when I came
Mereka lagi belajar di kelas ketika saya datang.
- I was writing
- Joko was sleeping

Kalimat Negatif Untuk Past Continuous Tense

Gampang bangets nih, tinggal pake rumusnya, tambahkan NOT setelah Tobe (was/were). Ingat rumusnya kan? Yes, Anda benar, rumusnya: S + was/were + NOT + Ving. Misalnya dari contoh sederhana yang terakhir diatas, menjadi:
- I was NOT writing …
- Joko was NOT sleeping …

Kalimat Tanya Past Continuous Tense

Kembali lagi gampang sekali, yang penting Anda sudah faham penggunaannya seperti saya terangkan diatas. Untuk bikin kalimat tanya tinggal TOBE nya (was atau were) di depan. Berikut ini dari contoh diatas akan menjadi:
- Was I writing ….?
Biasanya sih kalo bertanya kan gak nanya sendiri, karena itu lebih sering contoh-contoh yang ada dibuku pake YOU, sehingga menjadi:
- Were You writing …?
Contoh lain:
- Was Joko Sleeping …?

Past Perfect Tense

Rumus Past Perfect Tense
Positif: S + had + V3
Negatif: S + had + not + V3
Tanya: Had + S + V3

Contoh kalimat lain dalam Past Perfect Tense:
-I had studied hard but I didn’t make good result in the exam.
-You had told me twice before I understood.

Past Perfect Tense Dalam Kalimat Negatif

Gampang saja, tinggal tambah NO setelah HAD. Contoh berikut telah disederhanakan:
-I had not studied hard, so I didn’t make good result
-You had not told me that, that’s why I didn’t understand

Past Perfect Tense Dalam Kalimat Tanya

Tinggal dibalik, Had nya di depan.
Rumusnya kan: Had + S + V3
-Had You studied hard bla bla bla?
-Had You told me …?

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Positif: S + had + been + Ving
Negatif: S + had + not + been + Ving
Tanya:  Had + S + been + Ving

Contoh lain:
-They had been playing football.
-She had been singing
-Joh and Merry had been loving each other.
Bentuk Negatif:
-They had not been playing football.
-She had not been singing
-Joh and Merry had not been loving each other.
Kalimat Tanya:
-Had They been playing football?.
-Had She been singing?
-Had Joh and Merry been loving each other?.
Mengapa tidak pakai kalimat lain untuk membandingkannya sehingga logic “Past” nya menjadi jelas? susaahh! haha..
Tips untuk memperkuat pengertian Anda tentang Tenses:
Setiap tenses yang mengandung “Past” pasti pakai kata kerja atau kata kerja bantu bentuk ke-2. Dalam Past Perfect Continuous Tense ini kata kerja bentuk ke-2 atau V2 nya adalah HAD. Bentuk pertamanya adalah Have/has. Urutannya: Have-had-had.

Future Tense

Rumus Future Tense
Positif: S + will + V1
Negatif: S + will + not + V1
Tanya: Will + S + V1

Shall jarang digunakan. Bisanya Shall untuk Subject I dan We (I
shall…, We shall….) dan tidak untuk yang lain. Tetapi lebih sering
orang pakai I will.. dan We will.. Jadi untuk I dan We boleh pakai baik
will atau shall. Sedangkan Subject yang lain seperti HE, SHE, IT, YOU,
THEY, WE semuanya pakai Will. Kalau begitu, untuk mempermudah pemahaman
saya HANYA akan gunakan WILL saja. Kan “WIL” itu enak toh? Itu tuh yang L nya satu! haha… becanda ya.
Contoh Kalimat Positif dalam Future Tense:
-I will study
-You will swim
-They will visit Tokyo

Future Tense Kalimat Negatif

Kalimat Negatif untuk Future Tense juga luar biasa mudah, jauh lebih mudah dibandingkan menjalankan misalnya, apa hubungannya? ya nda ada sih. sekali-sekali ngelantur agar nda bosan, toh pelajaran ini ringan kok..
-I will not study
-You will not swim
-They will not visit Tokyo

Future Tense Kalimat Tanya

-Will You study?
-Will You swim?
-Will They visit Tokyo?
Tentunya karena Future Tense bicara “Akan” maka keterangan waktu berikut biasa ditambahkan: tomorrow, next month, three days to go, next year dan segala sesatu yang menunjukkan “akan” tersebut.
-You will swim together tomorrow
-They will visit Tokyo next year
-No one will stop us now from loving each other
-I dont think They will come on time

Future Continuous Tense

Rumus Future Continuous Tense
Positif: S + will + be + Ving
Negatif: S + will not + be + Ving
Tanya: Will + S + be + Ving
contoh kalimat:
-You will be working …
-They will be driving home …
-She will be learning music …

Kalimat Negatif Future Continuous Tense

Mudah saja, tinggal tambah NOT setelah Will, seperti ini:
-You will not be working…
-They will not be driving home…
-She will not be learning music…
Loh katanya tadi Future Continuous Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang akan terjadi di masa datang, ini yang negatif kan berarti TIDAK akan sedang terjadi dong? Salah dong? Waduh.. pusing lah kalo protes begituan, ini kan bentuk negatifnya bo’ !

Kalimat Tanya Future Continuous Tense

Kalimat tanya dalam bentuk Future Continuous Tense juga gampang sekali, tinggal Will nya di depan. Kayak gini:
-Will You be working …?
-Will They be driving home …?
-Will She be learning music …?

Past Future Tense

Rumus Past Future Tense
Positif: S + would + V1
Negatif: S + would + not + V1
Tanya:  Would + S + V1
Contoh Kalimat Positif Past Future Tense
-I would go at 7 am when He came to my house yesterday
Contoh berikut dipermudah hanya kalimat intinya saja:
-You would work …
-They would drive home …
-She would learn music …

Kalimat Negatif Past Future

Mudah sekaleee.. tinggal tambahkan NOT setelah Would:
-You would not work …
-They would not drive home …
-She would not learn music …

Kalimat Tanya Past Future

Mudah sekaleee juga.. tinggal Would nya di depan:
-Would You work …?
-Would They drive home …?

Past Future Continuous Tense

Rumus Past Future Continuous Tense
Positif: S + would + be + Ving
Negatif: S + would + not + be + Ving
Tanya: Would + S + be + Ving

Past Future Perfect Tense

Rumus Past Future Prefect Tense
Positif: S + would + have + V3
Negatif: S + would + not + have + V3
Tanya: Would + S + have + V3

contoh kalimat: 
-You would have worked …
-They would have driven home …
-She would have learned music …

Kalimat Negatif Past Future Prefect Tense

-You would not have worked …
-They would not have driven home …
-She would not have learned music …

Kalimat Tanya Past Future Prefect Tense

-Would You have worked …?
-Would They have driven home …?
-Would She have learned music …?

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012


Tanpa adverb, tulisan yang kita tulis terasa hambar tanpa rasa. Tanpa adverb pula, kata-kata yang kita ucapkan terasa kosong tanpa isi. Karena itu, mari kita sama-sama mengingat kembali apa ada yang kita lupakan dari adverb (kata keterangan) yang telah kita pelajari.

Tak usah panjang lebar, langsung kita menuju Referensi Grammar andalan saya ini, yes Marcella Frank. Beliau (1972: 141) menjelaskan bahwa jenis-jenis adverb (dalam Bahasa Inggris disebut Types of Adverbs, bener ga?) dibagi dua macam: pertama, adverbs classified by meaning, dan kedua, adverbs classified by function. Nah disini saya akan membagikan cerita dari Frank tersebut tentang jenis adverb dilihat dari segi maknanya.

Adverbs Classified by Meaning.

Adverbs jenis ini terbagi menjadi:

  1. Adverbs of Manner
  2. Adverbs of Place and Direction
  3. Adverbs of Time
  4. Intensifying Adverbs

Langsung kita jelaskan satu persatu.

Satu, Adverbs of Manner.

Frank menjelaskan, "The manner adverb has the most characteristic adverbial form (an -ly ending added to a descriptive adjective)." - adverb of manner mempunyai bentuk adverb paling kentara yaitu dengan menambahkan -ly pada descriptive adjective. (Lihat Descriptive Adjective disini).

Contoh Adverbs of Manner:
Quickly, neatly, awkwardly, beautifully, etc.

Dua, Adverbs of Place and Direction.

Frank (1972: 142) mengatakan, "Among the adverbs of place and direction may be included some prepositional forms appearing after the verb--He came in; They walked down. - diantara jenis adverbs of place dan direction ini termasuk beberapa bentuk preposition (kata depan) yang muncul setelah verbs, seperti He came in; They walked down.
Some archaic forms for adverbs of place and direction are still found in the literary language--hither (= here) thither (= there), yonder (= over there), hence (= from here), thence (= from there), whither (= where).

Beberapa bentuk arkaik (kuno) adverb of place dan direction (kata keterangan tempat dan arah) masih ditemukan dalam bahasa kesusastraan seperti:

Hither = disini
Thither = disana
Yonder = disana
Hence = dari sini
Thence = dari sana
Whither = dimana (saja).

Contoh lain Adverb of place and Direction


Untuk penggunaan Adverb of place, harus dibedakan mana itu preposition dan mana adverb of direction. Lihat contoh berikut:

Let's come in = kata in disini adalah adverb karena menjelaskan kata come.
Let's come in this room = kata in disini adalah preposition, karena diikuti oleh object yang berupa noun phrase.

Tiga, Adverbs of Time

Adverbs of time (kata keterangan waktu) ini dibagi lagi menjadi dua macam yaitu: Adverbs of Definite Time dan Adverbs of Indefinite Time.

Dalam menjelaskan tentang Adverbs of Definite Time, Frank mengatakan, "These adverbs have a fixed boundary in time--yesterday, today, tomorrow. Most of these words have noun form  and some may be used in plural form--saturdays, nights." -- adverbs of definite time ini memiliki batasan waktu yang baku (jelas) seperti yesterday (kemarin), today (hari ini), tomorrow (besok). Kata kata tersebut umumnya memiliki bentuk noun (kata benda) dan bahkan bisa digunakan dalam bentuk jamak (plural).

Contoh perbedaan antara adverb of definite time dengan noun berikut ini:

  • I saw him yesterday (Kata yesterday disini adalah adverb of definite time karena menjelaskan waktu saat saya melihat dia)
  • Yesterday was a busy day (Kata yesterday disini adalah noun karena berfungsi sebagai subyek kalimat, Lihat fungsi-fungsi noun disini)

Beberapa expression (ungkapan) berbentuk phrase (frase) ada dalam kategori adverb of definite time ini seperti:

Last week
A month ago
the day before yesterday
the day after tomorrow

Selanjutnya, Adverb of Indefinite Time adalah kebalikan dari diatas, yaitu, jika adverb of definite time itu waktunya jelas, maka adverb of indifinite time waktunya kurang tentu kejelasannya.


Just (baru saja)
Lihat juga di (Vocabulary tentang Waktu dan Musim di artikel ini)

Empat, Intensifying Adverbs
Seperti halnya adverb of time, Intensifying Adverbs juga terbagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu: Adverbs of Degree, dan Distinguishing Adverbs.

Untuk Kedua adverb tersebut, karena penjabarannya begitu banyak maka akan saya Bahas dalam artikel tersendiri (semoga saja).

See you

Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English Usage: A Practical Reference Guide. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

kata sifat

Adjective - Kata Sifat dalam bahasa Inggris, sengaja dijadikan judul tulisan ini. Untuk mempermudah pembaca, judul "Adjective (kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris)" saya jadikan kumpulan tulisan tentang adjective (kata sifat).

Harus diketahui, adjective (kata sifat) adalah salah satu part of speech yang fungsinya sangat penting dalam penggunaan bahasa Inggris secara umum. Jika saja tidak ada adjective, productive skill bahasa Inggris kita (speaking dan writing) tidak terlihat luar biasa. Dan juga, dengan memahami adjective, receptive skill bahasa Inggris kita pun (listening dan reading) pasti bisa terus dikembangkan.

Untuk mempersingkat, berikut adalah daftar materi tentang adjective (kata sifat) yang telah dipublikasikan di blog ini :

poetry or puisi

A Cat is The Pet 

a kind of pets
which catches much of rats
which have much of myths
which have many mustaches

A funny Pet
and a cute pet
it could be your friend
when a quiet
wrapping surround your heart

Those pets lie down on the desk
Sleeping warp in the bedmake shape of half cirlce
and stroking your legs

Tthe prophet cherished pets
because prophet advised us to love them
with full of affection
Indeed, he asked them to be a part of our family

Those pets which a kind of tigers
has a name
those names' cat
because it can catch your heart
and catch your soul
The Sky

Have you seen the Sunset and Sunrise
And the Horizon that's a prize

How the colors mix and melt
And look as soft as felt

How they float away into black
As you wish them back

And that feeling that makes you sad
How the tears come and just make you mad

But then you see the stars
That are so small they could fit in jars

Now there's so many
You'd by each one with a penny

How they shine so bright
And don't put up a fight

So you stand watching them twinkle and shine
Then you realize you feel fine

So you sigh
And say goodbye.